
Cover Image for Mastering Volume for Maximum Muscle Growth

What’s the secret to maximizing muscle growth through workout volume? Explore the balance of sets and reps needed to stimulate hypertrophy, ensuring your training is as effective as possible.

Gary Chiu
Gary Chiu

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Cover Image for How to Build an Effective Hypertrophy Program

How to Build an Effective Hypertrophy Program

In this article, we talk about how to construct a program to ensure muscle growth.

Gary Chiu
Gary Chiu
Cover Image for Training Smarter using Reps in Reserve

Training Smarter using Reps in Reserve

Integrate RIR into your training program to maximize results, and reduce injury & burnout.

Gary Chiu
Gary Chiu
Cover Image for Progressive Overload for Strength vs Hypertrophy

Progressive Overload for Strength vs Hypertrophy

Progressive overload is always mentioned as one of the most important aspects of training. How does it differ if you're training for strength vs hypertrophy?

Gary Chiu
Gary Chiu